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  • Ghosts can smell things

  • Ghosts love the smell of lemons

  • They leave cold spots in room

  • They can have a huge sense of humor

  • They love it when humans laugh. Positivity is a strong energy

  • Ghosts are referred to as discarnates

  • They get bored where they are

  • Most are happy, but others may feel a lingering emotional pain

  • They can appear to the living in dreams

  • They can leave behind certain scents that they were closely associated with

  • Ghosts are believed to not have the ability to cross water

  • They can make audible sounds

  • They use their energies, and ours, to move things (our hands on a planchette)

  • They can be pranksters

  • They can appear as light, shadows and mist

  • Orbs can be blue, violet, green, gold

  • Ghosts favor night due to low consumer electrical usage

  • A hooded black figure is most likely a dark entity…beware.  They have been often seen at foot of beds and invoke sleep paralysis

  • Some alleged hauntings are actually residual (A past event that plays out over and over)

  • People may find portals or vortexes in places.  Ghosts can move through these

  • Hauntings are most intense around children entering puberty.  The kids give off tremendous energy

  • Ghosts can read thoughts (mostly if you are an intuitive or channel)

  • Ghosts retain memories and maintain emotions established in life

  • Sometimes ghosts get trapped and need help to be released.  Let them know it is OK to move on

  • Noisy, troublesome energies are generally poltergeists

  • Animal ghosts exist and have been sighted

  • Some believe alien spirits can be contacted on the board. Ever try this?

  • Ghosts who lived many years ago keep up with the trends

  • Children perceive ghosts as imaginary friends

  • Ghosts may be very temperamental

  • Ghosts can have cliques

  • Strange whisper or familiar voice in the ear wake you out of a sleep? Could be a ghost (this actually happened to me last night….RIP my dearest cousin).

“I think your website is TOTALLY awesome. I especially loved the ghost facts page” – Jennifer


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